Term Dates

Borough Bulletin

Report Absence

Policies & Procedures



Be Brave, Be Strong, Be Borough

 Nau Mai, Haere Mai, welcome to Ashburton Borough School.

At Ashburton Borough School we have high expectations for our year 1 - 8 students. We enjoy encouraging and challenging them to reach their personal excellence. We pride ourselves on personalising the education of our learners, having students at the centre of all decisions, and developing a sense of belonging to the school and wider community.

Ashburton Borough School is a diverse school leading the way in future focused innovative education. Being an ethnically diverse community we value the customs and traditions our families can share with us.

The school has been recently renovated and its collaborative, modern spaces provide an enriching, empowering and engaging learning environment. Our vision is for all our stakeholders to Be Brave, Be Strong, Be Borough. Students, Staff and whanau work hard together to live our strategic vision of Achieve Believe Succeed. We actively seek ways to provide learning experiences that meet the needs of students. Our Discovery Approach benefits the school at large, where students with additional learning needs are supported and students needing extending are invited to be part of our enrichment opportunities.

I welcome you to visit us at Ashburton Borough School where I can show you around and have the opportunity to share more about our school aSection - New SectionActive:  nd answer any questions you may have.

Acting Principal, Mrs Emma Hewett 


Latest Notices

BOT Welcome
7 Feb 2025

Yr 7/8 Basketball
7 Feb 2025

Entries are due Friday the 14th of February.


Information below from MidCanterbury BBall


Important Changes for Girls Grade 2025:

This season, we’re making some changes to our Girls Grade sign-ups to make it more accessible for girls from smaller schools to join a team. Our goal is to offer more opportunities for girls to get involved and enjoy the game of basketball!

Here’s how it works:

“Have a Go” Sessions:
We’ll be hosting two fun, no-pressure sessions where girls can try basketball and get a feel for the game:
24th February
3rd March
Team Play:
After the “Have a Go” sessions, we’ll form teams, and the girls will compete in games from 10th March to 26th May.
How to Sign Up:
Please use the attached link here.


Boys Grade:

The Boys Grade will be run the same as last year, where teams must sign up as a group with a minimum of 8 players per team.They will not have “Have a Go” days; their competition will start on 24th February.

How to Sign Up:
Please use the attached form.


Additional Information:

Dates: Mondays 24th February – 26th May (26th May is our finals night at Oxford Street Stadium)
Price: $85 per player (hardship funds are available if needed)
Location: EA Networks Centre
Referees: All referees will be paid by BBMC this year. If you know anyone who would be interested in refereeing, please let them know they will be compensated.
Coaches & Managers: All teams will need coaches and managers. Weekly draws will be emailed to these contacts.
Uniforms: All teams will be required to wear numbered uniforms. We will have bibs available to use if necessary.




Urgent notice - Lagmhor Bus
7 Feb 2025

No bus running this morning.

Normal bus run will resume this afternoon.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Hurst Automotive Finn Plumbing Ltd CWS Construction Smoke Ashburton Jaco Electrical Limited Tracey Henderson Harcourts Freeman Roofing Ashburton Powder Coating Berry Beauty Co Wash Rite Ashburton Ohana BJJ Bailey Electrical
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